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Curtis AA, Arbour JH, Santana SE. In Review. Mind the gap: natural cleft palates

          reduce biting performance in bats. Journal of Experimental Biology.

Arbour JH, Curtis AA, Santana SE. In Revision. Adaptive shifts in skull shape

          evolution in bats: signatures of echolocation and dietary ecology. Nature


Curtis AA, Smith TD, Bhatnagar KP, Brown AM*, Simmons NB. 2018.

          Maxilloturbinal aids in nasophonation in horseshoe bats (Chiroptera:              

          Rhinolophidae). The Anatomical Record. pdf

Curtis AA, Simmons, NB. 2018. Prevelence of mineralized elements in the        

          rostra of bats. Journal of Mammalogy. pdf

Yohe LR, Hoffman S, Curtis A. 2018. Vomeronasal and olfactory structures

          in Bats revealed by diceCT clarify genetic evidence of function. Frontiers in  

          Neuroscience 12:1-13. pdf

Curtis AA, Orke M*, Tetradis S, Van Valkenburgh B. 2018. Diet-related

          differences in craniodental morphology between captive-reared and wild

          coyotes, Canis latrans (Carnivora: Canidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean 

          Society 123:677-693. pdf

Curtis AA, Santana SE. 2018. Jaw dropping: functional variation in the

          digastric muscle in bats. The Anatomical Record 301:279-290. pdf

Curtis AA, Simmons NB. 2017. Unique turbinal morphology in horseshoe

          bats (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae). The Anatomical Record 300:309-325. pdf

Márquez S, Pagano AS, Schwartz JH, Curtis A, Delman BN, Lawson W,

          Laitman JT. 2017. Toward understanding the mammalian zygoma: insights

          from comparative anatomy, growth and development, and morphometric

          analysis. The Anatomical Record 300:76-151. pdf available upon request

Curtis A, Lai G*, Wei F, Van Valkenburgh B. 2015. Repeated loss of frontal

          sinuses in arctoid carnivorans. Journal of Morphology 276:22-32.

Curtis A, Van Valkenburgh B. 2014. Beyond the sniffer: frontal sinuses in

          Carnivora. The Anatomical Record 297:2047-2064. pdf

Van Valkenburgh B, Pang B, Bird D, Curtis A, Yee K, Wysocki C,

          Craven B. 2014. Respiratory and olfactory turbinals in feliform and caniform

          carnivorans: the influence of snout length. The Anatomical Record   

          297:2065-2079. pdf

Green PA*, Van Valkenburgh B, Pang B*, Bird D, Rowe T, Curtis A. 2012.

          Respiratory and olfactory turbinal size in canid and arctoid carnivorans.

          Journal of Anatomy 221:609-621. pdf available upon request

Van Valkenburgh B, Curtis A, Samuels JX, Bird D, Fulkerson B,

          Meachen-Samuels J, Slater GJ. 2011. Aquatic adaptations in the nose of

          carnivorans: evidence from the turbinates. Journal of Anatomy 218:298-310.   


Kays R, Curtis A, Kirchman JJ. 2010. Reply to Wheeldon et al. ‘Colonization

          history and ancestry of northeastern coyotes.’ Biology Letters 6:248-249. pdf

Kays R, Curtis A, Kirchman JJ. 2010. Rapid adaptive evolution of northeastern

          coyotes via hybridization with wolves. Biology Letters 6:89-93. pdf

* denotes undergraduate authors


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